Water Troughs And Tanks – Their Importance, Benefits And More

If you live on a farm, you already know what troughs and tanks are, their size and structure that differs for various animals, and their benefits. A trough is what animals eat or drink from, while a water tank is a place to store water, usually placed near a wind-driven water pump in an animal pen or field.

In Australia, the watering trough is established so that sheep, cattle and other domesticated animals can drink and eat. In days gone by, watering troughs were very common in many towns and cities of Australia as a means for horses to drink while they were tethered to a post. In 1927 animal lovers Annis and George Bills funded the building of 500 watering troughs in Australia, Ireland, England and the United States.

Rainfall in the central part of Australia is usually sparse. As a result, many areas face water shortages during the hot summer months every year. It is essential for areas facing water shortages to find an alternative to resolve this problem. One of the common ways to conserve and store water to ensure consistent supply is by installing water troughs and tanks. Let’s understand both of them in detail here.

What Are Water Troughs & Tanks? The Significance Of A Water Trough

Water tanks are large metal containers, usually placed near a wind-driven water pump in an animal pen or field, while a watering trough or artificial watering point is a man-made or natural receptacle. The word trough refers to the shape of the container and can mean anything that is a long, narrow, open container – just like the curve on a graph or a depression in the ground.

A trough is usually used for feeding or watering livestock on farms or ranches, such as horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry etc, but can also be used to feed or wild water animals.

Importance Of A Water Trough

Typically made from metal, polyethylene, and concrete material, these troughs have a positive effect on livestock by enabling a constant source of clean, high-quality water. Research reveals that when cattle are provided with high-quality water, they will

  • Drink more
  • Eat more
  • Gain weight quicker

It is essential to know that all animals, especially dairy cows, require constant access to fresh water. Farmers prioritise livestock weight gain, so ensuring the stock water is high quality is important.

Dams and reservoirs are often used as water sources for livestock, but these can be exposed to stormwater run-off and animal manure. Troughs can provide better quality water than a dam. Cattle may also drink more water from a trough if they feel cautious around large bodies of water, there are steep embankments and so on.

How Are Plastic Troughs Better In Comparison To Other Materials?

Although cattle are generally slow-moving animals, they can pack a powerful punch when gathered in large groups to eat and drink. You don’t want your tank to shatter due to over-enthusiastic cattle contaminating the water. Fortunately, manufacturers provide several types of water troughs made from a range of materials:

The type of material you use to make your water trough will determine how durable it is. Here are some of the key points of various materials:

  • Polyethylene – Lightweight, easy to move, simple to clean, UV resistant, and will ‘bounce back’ to retain its shape even if livestock bumps into it.
  • Concrete – The most common trough, ideal if you want it to stay in a permanent position. However, concrete troughs are highly porous, hard to clean, and can deteriorate due to cattle saliva and enzymes in their food.
  • Fibreglass – These are light and easy to install but are most prone to crack from any abuse by livestock or handlers. They also require a special coating to ensure the safety of your cattle.
  • Metal – Allows movement among paddocks, but they should be placed under shelter as they are prone to rust. They may also be harmed by rowdy livestock.


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